Bison at Story Creek
Story Creek Elementary School in Belgrade served Bison and Barley soup to their students as a part of Montana Harvest of the Month!
Along with 5 other school districts in the state, Belgrade is working with Montana Team Nutrition to develop 6 new recipes for use in school meal programs using ingredients from foods produced in Montana including, barley, beets, bison, sweet cherries, and lentils. Students were able to provide feedback on the recipe by using the “Tried it, Liked it, Loved it” model, and it was a success!
We’d like to extend a huge thank you to Belgrade School District’s Food Service Director, Brittany Moats, Story Creek food service staff, Alicia Bellcock and Anna Blackburn, and Story Creek Principal, Lori Degenhart for helping facilitate this awesome event!
Another huge thanks to Buffalo Restoration, Inc. for donating their time and providing the amazing life-size bison costume!
Source: @mtfarmtoschool