Bozeman Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services is raising the bar by cooking Montana raised burgers every Tuesday at both high schools. “Here is Cean, the kitchen manager at BHS, working hard to grill them up before lunch! Thank you Cean and thank you Little Belt Cattle Co !” Great job and keep up the
MSU Extension Madison-Jefferson Counties joined Whitehall Elementary for March’s Harvest of The Month of grains. They also partnered with the Montana Office of Public Instruction and the MSU Dietetic Internship Program to learn about the grain industry. Then they all made granola and even a grain art mosaic! So much collaboration paired with delicious and
Last August Mayfly Montessori tried cherries from Ramrock Orchard for their HOM tasting, and even made cherry fruit leather! They also made beet hummus with beets from Ploughshare Farm, and this February was beet month! What a perfect Harvest of The Month combo! Great job Mayfly!
Gallatin Conservation District worked with schools in their area making beet slaw to highlight February’s Harvest of The Month of beets! So much colorful, and delicious, fun! Keep up the good work Gallatin CD!
NCAT AgCorps Members made homemade playdough to use in their HOM community outreach. They also altered the recipe to use natural dyes instead of food coloring! The colors came from cocoa, turmeric, beets (which was February’s HOM!), matcha, and even avocado pits! What a fun way to incorporate March’s Harvest of The Month of grains
NCAT AgCorps member, Luca Mele, made beet paint, and brought it to the Bozeman Winter Market on February 17th while tabling for HOM. They had a “Beet By Number” coloring sheet for the kiddos at the market to use with the paint as well. So much fun! Access the handout here. They made beet paint
Zero to Five – Butte Silver Bow showcased winter squash at the Butte Winter Farmers Market! They had a taste test of squash chips and created a winter squash scavanger hunt for the little ones! How fun!
MSU Extension Silver Bow County made beet smoothies with Kennedy Elementary in December! They visited with the 4th, 5th and 6th graders over 2 days learning about beets in Montana, playing a little trivia game, and taste-testing smoothies. All but 7 total students “liked it” or “loved it”! Great job MSU Extension Silver Bow County!
2023 Helena Independent Record | An Upstream Approach to Health: Harvest of the Month Brings Montana Grown Foods to Montana Classrooms Fallon County Time | FFA HOM 2022 Montana Standard | Children learn about dairy products produced in Montana
Boys and Girls Club of Carbon County harvested mint and strawberries straight from their garden to dip in some chocolate. What a way to showcase Montana herbs! Source: Boys and Girls Club of Carbon County Facebook
“Another great shopping trip to Benson’s Farm and we got our first fall CSA from Western Montana Growers Cooperative & CSA We are so excited, we even had seconds on tasting the spinach from North Shore Farm in Lakeside! The cauliflower from Harlequin Produce will go perfectly with our Montana Harvest of the Month: Brassicas!”
Missoula Food Bank and Community Center used Montana Harvest of the Month materials to create awesome activity cards showcasing apples, dairy, and cherries. They are putting these cards in lunches that they distribute to children across Missoula! Cherries Activity Cards Dairy Activity Cards Apples Activity Cards