The Montana Harvest of the Month program is open to K-12 schools, afterschool programs, Summer Food Service Programs (SFSP), early care and education facilities, businesses and communities, producers and healthcare institutions in Montana. Please coordinate with your Harvest of the Month team and submit one registration form. One packet will be provided for each participating site. For example, a school district that has three schools and one afterschool program that wishes to participate can receive four packets. Additional posters will be available for purchase at Montana State University Extension’s publication store when the materials are available. Materials will be mailed or delivered in person at the trainings listed in the registration form.
A team is crucial for a successful implementation of the Harvest of the Month program and creates valuable connections within the school, program, facility and community. If you have not approached all the required members of your Harvest of the Month team you may still register and note that in the registration form. Please be in touch with your team members as soon as possible.
Prior to registering:
- Learn the basics of Montana Harvest of the Month
- Check out the online resources
Contact Molly Kirkham with questions at or (406) 494-8672
To register, select the appropriate type below.
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