Registration K-12 Register Montanan Harvest of the Month K-12 schools, afterschool programs, and summer food service programs registration The Montana Harvest of the Month program is open to K-12 schools and afterschool programs in Montana. Please coordinate with your Harvest of the Month team at your school, district, or afterschool program to avoid duplicate registrations. One packet will be provided for each participating school and afterschool program site. For example, a school district that is registering three schools and one afterschool program can receive four packets. Additional posters are available for purchase at Montana State University Extension's publication store. Materials will be mailed to the address in this registration form (please use a school or afterschool program address, not a personal address).If you have questions, please contact: Jay Stagg, Montana Team Nutrition (406) 994-5996 A team is crucial for a successful implementation of the Harvest of the Month program and creates valuable connections within the school, district, and community. If you have not approached all the required members of your Harvest of the Month team (administrator, food service, and teacher) you may still register. Please be in touch with your team members as soon as possible. Anyone listed as a team member with contact information will receive monthly email Harvest of the Month updates. This will help remind your team of available resources and updates. You can register multiple schools or afterschool program sites at the same time with this form. You will list each of the participating schools or afterschool program sites. This registration form collects one set of team members. If you wish to have different team members listed for each site, please complete a separate registration form per site. These individual school/program teams might have overlapping team members such as food service staff or administrator. Prior to registering, you can learn the basics of Montana Harvest of the Month program with the handouts, short videos, and trainings posted on the site. Group InformationPrimary Contact First Name *The person who will be the primary contact for the school, district, and/or afterschool program should be listed here.Primary Contact Last Name *Position of Affiliation *Account Email *Please do not change the email address above. It is for administrative purposes.Email Contact EmailPrimary Phone Mailing Address 1 *The materials should be mailed to the school of afterschool program, not a home address.Mailing Address 2 City *Postal Code/Zip *Summer Email If different than above.Summer Phone If different than above. Harvest of the Month InformationSites *K-12 school(s)Afterschool program(s)Profile Image No file uploaded.Participating SitesList Participating Schools or Afterschool Programs Below, individually list all schools or afterschool programs (sites) that are participating within this registration. You will receive one packet per site listed below. Only include schools and afterschool programs that will be participating in the Harvest of the Month program (including the educational and taste test components ) not just receiving a district-wide meal. Is this new to your school and you do not have all of the components or team members ready to go? No problem! Assemble your team, make a plan, and let us help you build a successful Harvest of the Month program at your school. You are welcome to register even if your site is still working out the details. Please contact Jay Stagg if you have questions.Participating Site 1 *Participating Site 2 Participating Site 3 Participating Site 4 Participating Site 5 Participating Site 6 Participating Site 7 Participating Site 8 Participating Site 9 Participating Site 10 AdministratorFirst Name Last Name Email Has this team member committed? YesNoTeacher or Afterschool Program Coordinator/EducatorFirst Name Last Name Email Has this team member committed? YesNoSchool Food Service Staff or Manager NameFirst Name Last Name Email Has this team member committed? YesNoAdditional Team Members We encourage you to include others on your team such as parents, community organizations, SNAP-ed educators, Extension Agents, etc. These individuals are often very helpful in conducting taste tests and educational activities or can help promote your program. List any additional team members here especially if registering multiple schools or afterschool program sites. Any team members listed will receive HOM communications. You can add or update team members through your portal profile.Additional Member 1First Name Last Name Other team member affiliation or role Email Additional Member 2First Name Last Name Other team member affiliation or role Email Additional Team Member 3First Name Last Name Other team member affiliation or role Email Additional Team Member 4First Name Last Name Other team member affiliation or role Email Harvest of the Month Expectations By registering, your team is pledging to all the expectations listed below. Please check all boxes. If your school struggles with any of these expectations our team is here to help! Remember, starting small and conducting quick activities such as reading the item's fun facts each month in a classroom is a great start!Site Expectations *Serve the Harvest of the Month item in at least one school meal or snack during the month.Conduct at least one educational activity regarding the Harvest of the Month item each month.Conduct at least one taste test (in classroom or cafeteria) with Harvest of the Month item each month.Use the Harvest of the Month material and display visible locations.Participate in evaluations.Attend an online (archived or live) or in-person training (highly recommended)Do you have funding available to support in-class activities and taste tests? *YesNoPilot sites estimated taste testing and an activity costs between $5-$15. Participating in the Harvest of the Month program is free of charge (for this year, subject to change in the future). However, schools and afterschool programs will purchase their own supplies and food for educational activities and meals or snacks.Do you have any questions or anticipate any challenges? How did you hear about Montana Harvest of the Month? News article or other mediaEmail Listserv (other than above)Colleague, friend, etc.Contacted by Jay Stagg, Project CoordinatorMontana Farm to School websiteWebinarIn-person TrainingOther FieldsetUsername *Usernames CANNOT be edited later. Please choose a username that you are willing to share with your team and identifies your site.Password *Membership Level * K-12 Verification Please enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 12)* This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: