Registration Producer Montana Harvest of the Month Producer RegistrationInstructions Welcome to the Montana Harvest of the Month registration for producers! HOM producers include any business, distributor, or processor offering HOM products to Montana participants. Materials will be mailed to the address in this registration form. Prior to registering, you can learn the basics of Montana Harvest of the Month program with the handouts, short videos, and trainings posted on the site.By registering as a HOM Producer you will: Be listed on the HOM website as HOM Producer, visible to all HOM institutions.Receive a the Quarterly HOM Producer Newsletter.Have access to HOM marketing materials, as well as strategies, guides, and resources for making institutional sales.Participate in Evaluations.Receive HOM posters, shelf tags, and table tentsIf you have questions, please contact: Molly Kirkham: Montana Local Foods Program Specialist, National Center for Appropriate (406) 494-8672 MaterialsWould you like to be mailed a packet of HOM posters and materials? YesNo General InformationPrimary Contact First Name *Primary Contact Last Name *Professional Title *Email *Primary Phone *Business Address *City *County *Postal/Zip *Other Team Members Please list other team members who will be involved with HOM. These contacts can be updated through your HOM profile.Team member #1 Email #1 Team member #2 Email #2 Team member #3 Email #3 Team Member #4 Email #4 CredentialsUsername *UsernamePassword *PasswordMembership Level * Producer Producer InformationBusiness Name *Name of farm, business or organizationHarvest of the Month Products *BeefBeetsBisonGrainsLentilsChickpeasLeafy GreensKaleSummer SquashWinter SquashBrassicasCarrotsApplesCherriesDairyHerbsPlease select the Harvest of the Month products your business provides.I am interested in selling to: *K-12 SchoolsEarly Care and Education FacilitiesHealthcare FacilitiesGroceriesUniversities, Food banks, RestaurantsBusiness Email (Contact Email) Business Number (Contact Phone) Contact you would like institutions to use for purchase inquiries.Business Type (check all that apply) GrowerDistributorProcessorHow would you like to be contacted? EmailPhoneWe would not like to be contacted directly.Contact you would like institutions to use for purchase inquiries.Pick-up Sites If you have pick-up sites, a farm store, or farm stand, please list them above.If you have an online store, please enter the link here If you sell to distributors, please list them here. Would you like to be contacted to host farm tours or visit HOM sites? YesNoDoes your business deliver? Please visit to create your free Abundant Montana listing. Abundant Montana educates consumers about the value of local food, and support food and farming entrepreneurs building successful, well-connected, and thoughtful businesses. You will receive a 'HOM participant' tag on your listing. Verification Please enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 12)* This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: